In Ear publishes audiobooks from up and coming writers. These can be collections of short stories, novellas or combinations of the two.
Published audiobooks are then sold on our shop for people to download.
Are you a writer that wants to have an audiobook published?
We would love to hear from you.
In Ear was set up to help ‘up and coming’ creative and we would love to work with you if you are a ‘up and coming’ writer.
What do we mean by ‘up and coming’?
You should have already had some of your writing published. This could be short stories in journals, poems in competitions or even have a proven track record of high-quality self-published titles.
Ideally you will have an established audience, be this a well frequented blog, a lively comments section or even just a mailing list.
What will we publish?
We like our audiobooks to be around 1 hour – 6 hours in length. This usually means we publish collections of short stories or novellas. We are happy to publish stories that have been printed elsewhere as audiobooks add an additional element to existing stories that readers will love.
Our main focus is on science fiction and horror, however we are open to interesting and intriguing stories in other genres.
What are our terms?
We believe we offer very good terms for up and coming writers. The main points are listed below:
- You don’t pay us anything!
- We only licence the audio rights to your work if the manuscript is already on Amazon as an ebook or print book. Otherwise we licence the audio and ebook rights.
- We negotiate a fair royalty rate based on Net sales.
- Royalties paid quarterly.
- On going marketing and promotion opportunities for you and your audiobook.
Do you want to be considered for publication?
If so, please do get in contact using our Contact form. Provide as much information about yourself and your work as you can. We will then get back in contact and move forward from there.
Are you a publishing company thinking of converting all or some of your existing library to audiobooks? Then please get in contact through our Contact form.