The (Chrono) Virus is Spreading

A week ago today we released our latest audiobook: Chrono Virus by Aaron Crocco. This is a 1 hour 18 minute long novella set on a cargo ship during the middle of one of its jobs. The three-person crew runs into trouble when something causes the ship to violently shake.

And that is only the start of their problems. Have a listen:

While this audiobook hasn’t been in the wild long enough to have had any reviews yet, it has had some great feedback. One person going as far as to describe it as below:

Imagine what would happen if you took Joss Wheadon’s Firefly and mashed in a healthy dose of your favourite Sci-fi thriller, a does of epic drama, and of course, the best in time-travel theory? Chrono Virus, that’s what.

We’re thrilled with the way it turned out and would love to know what you think. You can buy Chrono Virus by going to our shop or following the links on this page. It is available in GBP, USD and Euro – just use the selector in the top left when on the product screen.

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