Supermarket Matters returns

It’s been a long time in the making, with a few set-backs to overcome along the way, but Supermarket Matters is back.

Series 2 is bigger and better than series 1.

There are still eight episodes but this time around they are 25 – 30 minutes in length. More along the lines of what you can expect from a broadcast radio comedy. They will be released each and every Monday at noon from this week on.

This added time has allowed us to develop bigger, funnier and crazier plots. Prepare for a roller coster ride of emotions as we hit deep dramatic points and pants-wettingly comic moments.

There are some thanks that need to go out to people for helping make this series so brilliant. Firstly, the actors, writers, post production and various artists involved. You have all been brilliant and without you, this just wouldn’t have happened.

A extra special thank you goes out to Chrissy Smith, Osian Edwards and Ian Baldwin for stepping in at very short notice when, for one reason or another, the actors from series 1 weren’t able to take part in series 2. You all saved me massive amounts of stress and I can’t thank you enough.

Of course, a big thank you needs to go out to everyone who helped fund us through our IndieGoGo campaign. As promised, even though we didn’t hit our goal we have still delivered something which I think you all will be proud of.

All perks from the campaign will be being sent out before Christmas. Don’t worry. We haven’t forgotten you.

Finally, a big thank you needs to go out to our supporters and listeners. Your comments on the first series meant so much to everyone involved.

Over the next eight weeks you will get a glimpse into the lifes of the staff of the Grab’n’Go once again. Please do comment on the website, send us mail or tweet us. We love to hear from you.

And, if you of anywhere we can promote Supermarket Matters, let us know. We have three 30 second promos that can be sent out.

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