Moving on

This last week has seen Supermarket Matters move on in leaps and bounds.

I’ve had two more scripts in this week. This brings the total number of draft scripts in up to four. Half of the total number of episodes. If you add in my half-finished script we’ve already broken the back of the writing process.

I also need to say a big thank you to Mark C.. It is due to him that we have this spiffing new website – I know it looks the same at the moment, but do notice that we now have an official URL: and we have hosting on his Mark’s server.

This may not sound like much but let me tell you, it solves a whole host of problems. With this new setup we can alter the look of this site when needed and it also gives us much more flexibility with the uploading of sound clips and even the full episodes themselves.

Finally, and again this is thanks to Mark, we now have a plan for the recording and post-production of the series.

The plan is as follows:

  • Buy a set of decent mics – Done
  • Buy a mixing desk – Done
  • Buy all the bits and bobs that are needed: Cables, pop guards (breath shields), stands
  • Plug all this into a laptop and record onto my external harddrive
  • Rented a room which is in a quiet location
  • Record.

Post production will be helped along by a friend of Mark called Gabriel who has done some amazing work already on the Casimire Effect.

I’m not sure I say this enough: Thank you to everyone involved with this project. Without you none of this would have happened. I am in debt to all of you.

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2 Responses to “Moving on”

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  1. thelongmile says:

    Hello everyone!

    I’m overwhelmed at Mark’s response to what I’ve done. I see this as simply helping out! I am however, very glad to do so. Being asked to provide a voice over for this project was an honour and a challenge all in itself, so to say I’m looking forward to what comes from it is an understatement. Above all else, Mark has been incredibly supportive and understanding in every aspect, even when moving him across to the server wasn’t going so well!

    Even with this, Marks’ ambition and openness to new ideas has been a real source of inspiration, and I am only too happy to help him out with this!



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